Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Would 300 feet of snow close your business...

Would 300 feet of snow close down your business? Adventures of a Canadian #bookkeeper

Would 300 feet of snow close your business...

Would 300 feet of snow close your business down? qboadventuresPosted on March 18, 2015 Sweet little rural Foxboro, Ontario, Canada is being hit with another load of snow. The question being. Would 300 feet of snow close your business on a day like today? 300 feet is the length of my driveway. And last year I would have cried to see such snow in my driveway knowing that the old family minivan wouldn’t make it through. Although the idea of free-styling down a slippery slope does sound kind of fun! Being stuck with three kids isn’t. But back to the topic at hand. Up until February of last year I was running back and forwards between clients putting my life on the line to travel slick roads with poor visibility on a would be day like today....Read More