Friday, 24 April 2015

Are You on Social Media?

Are You on Social Media? Has it helpled get #accounting clients? Me neither! #Face2face!

Are You on Social Media?

In this day and age, nearly everyone who can get their hands on a cellphone or a laptop computer have social media accounts. Unlike in the olden days when social media was just starting out (think Friendster and Multiply), there’s now a plethora of social media platforms to choose from. There’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and a whole slew of other platforms. It wasn’t a surprise when businesses started turning to social media to advertise their products. But social media isn’t just for advertising anymore. It has evolved and now it’s possible to simply click on a ‘buy’ button on some social media platforms like Facebook and WordPress. So. Are you on social media? You don’t have to be a big corporation to benefit from social...Read More